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Friday, August 10, 2012

Painting Is Done!

We painted kid rooms this week.

There was a giant gash in the wall that was hiding behind some shelves. I forgot it was there. We painted around it and are continuing to 'forget' it is there.
 This is how we stored everything while we were painting, and the beds are moved to the center of the room.
 He was begging to help. Begging, I tell you.
This girl so so good at stuff. So thrilled to have a happy helping teen!

 This is the girl's room. Window sill, mop board in "Orangeen" and wall in "Quilting Bee." Those sheers are from Ben Franklin's a couple of years ago when they were clearance priced at the beginning of fall.
 This is the closet (obviously)where teen drew a frame around and we painted it in. We are currently looking for a curtain of some type to hang there.
 The grey doesn't show up very well in the boy's room. They have the grey shade called "Route 66" and stripes and trim in 'Orangeen'. The big stripe shows up between the bunk beds.
The narrow stripe is above the door frame. These are the shelves that are hiding the...never mind, I forgot.

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