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Thursday, April 15, 2010

Proof of Love?

I heard someone say that obedience isn't the result of serving God, but proof of how much we love Him.
I chewed on that for a while. I wasn't sure I agreed. The more I turned that over in my mind, the more I was convicted about my 'proof of love' for God.
Do I obey the way I teach my kids to obey? Right away, all the way, and with a joyful heart.
uh, nope.
If it were a result of something, it would get easier. Obedience would be natural and would flow evenly.
It doesn't. Not for me, anyway. Obedience is an effort. It's a choice, and not always an easy one.

1 comment:

Mandy said...

I have been studying about "obedience", too! So convicting. As I read your post, I was reminded of the verse in John (well, there are several that say this), "If you love me, you will OBEY what I command."

So simple. Yet so profound.