He was unstoppable. A brilliant military leader, and a strong spiritual influence.
Because of his unstoppable faith, an entire nation followed his Godly example. He was Joshua, leader of the Israelites, appointed by God.
What made Joshua –and the nation of Israel, unstoppable? When God spoke, Joshua listened and obeyed. He was committed to obeying God. He didn’t have a secret formula, or one particular friend that prayed in a darkened corner. Joshua’s faith was constant. He obeyed God in this direct command. When God appointed Joshua as leader of His nation, He said “Be strong and courageous, for you must bring the people of Israel into the land I swore to give them. I will be with you.” Deuteronomy 31:33. Joshua obeyed this command
Joshua 7:7-9 is Joshua's honest prayer. There was trouble, and he didn’t understand why. He pleaded with God. He opened himself up and shared the defeat that Israel was experiencing. He wondered why God had allowed them to fail. He received an answer. He listened, and obeyed.
When Joshua encountered a setback-and this one was huge-he didn’t stop. He didn’t give up. He obeyed. Joshua decided to follow his Lord wherever He led, and whatever it cost.
What stops us? What stops you? What stops the body of Christ at Monroe Community Chapel?
Could we become unstoppable?
By staying in touch with God, we will have the needed wisdom to meet the great challenges of life (Joshua 7:7-9). Loving God means more than being enthusiastic about Him. We must complete all the work he gives us and apply his instructions to every corner of our lives. Being unstoppable for, in, and through God doesn’t happen only when and if it’s convenient. Sometimes, it just isn’t! God’s work done in God’s way will bring His success. Our strength to do His work comes from trusting Him. We have choices. We can choose to allow God to make us unstoppable
I think you and I are processing the same things right now.
Love how God speaks to His people so we can encourage each other and spur one another on ... to be unstoppable.
Love it.
Great thoughts! Obedience is key...Love this!
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