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Monday, December 27, 2010

How Will I be Known?

Another new year is approaching. Somehow, the arrival of another January, along with a fresh calendar for the wall, inspire retrospection and planning ahead. Something that I have come to find is really important at any time of the year.

Still, the New Year brings with it some extra measure of hope and plants stars in my eyes as I envision what things are held in the months to come. Everything looks happier, easier and more successful when I project them onto New Year.

Well, I'm tired of looking at life starry eyed, only to have the stars fade away, and take their rose colored lenses with them.

I began a new personal tradition this year. I hope it will be a tradition. I hope that my hope isn't starry.

I began my "New Year Resolutions" this month. I want to be able to say "Oh, I've been working on that since last year." Somehow, the difference of a week or two gives me the idea that failure isn't an option. That my resolutions won't stall just because I'm not used to a new routine.

I refuse to be known any more as someone that makes big extravigant plans and isn't able to see them through. Yes, I know that sometimes our plans just don't materialize. Circumstances happen. I get that. I'm not talking about never failing at anything. I'm talking about making those changes that really do make things better.

For instance, do I really want to be known for another year as a grumpy, grouchy mom who laughs only on occasion?

I really want to be a joyful mom. One who delights in her children and the wonderful job I have of raising them. Yes, I even want to be joyful about all of the tasks that come with that job.

I know how to go about achieving that goal. I have all of the tools. I know what it takes.

And I vow to do it.

I want to be known as a joyful person. One who chooses to be happy even when things don't go my way.

Heaven knows, my way is rarely the best way.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You have it in you to do anything you desire. I know you are full of joy. you are just too busy to enjoy it. slow down some and take the time to force yourself to remeber to laugh and play. I know how hard it is to do this when you are so busy. I love you tons and only want the best for you.
Love, MOM