This guy? Right here? He's 11 today.
When I was in labor with him, I called the hospital to let them know I was coming.
The nurse told me that it was hot out, and I should drink water and take a bath because my muscles were just dehydrated. She said there was no way I could be in labor if were able to speak to her on the phone.
So, we waited.
About an hour later, we just went to the hospital.
They still didn't believe me. Twenty minutes later, we had a baby.
JJ is named Jerrald, for his dad, and Conrad, for his Grandpa. Grandpa wouldn't let us name him LaVern. I'm happy for Grandpa's wisdom!
We thought J.C. would be a rather lofty nickname to live up to, so we went with Jerry Jr.
I am proud of my young man. He's come a long way. I don't just mean height and longevity. I mean in learning to live with people.
He was diagnosed with ADD and anxiety, and casually diagnosed autism. (by casually, I mean we didn't have brain scans done and analyzed to tell us exactly where in the spectrum, and what the official name of his 'condition' might be.)
We were assured that if we continued on the path of discipline (not punishment, for those concerned and over reacting already) that he would grow out of the ADD and anxiety.
By 'grow out of', the doctor really meant that he would learn to have some control over his emotions and find outlets for the energy that he experiences when he becomes anxious.
Anyone that has known JJ since he was two or three, knows the journey he's been on up to now, and if we run a playback in our minds, it's clear the maturity that has occurred.
I am blessed to be Mom to this young one, and I am looking forward to several more years at home with him.
Happy Birthday, kid!

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