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Monday, July 23, 2012

What I'm Reading

There has been a lot of conversation around me lately about what people are reading.
It isn't like it has always been, it's more. People can share on social media what they are reading, the can recommend, they can discuss, they can load entire books onto e-readers.
Reading is a wonderful thing!
I'm not really going to lecture anyone about what they are reading, but I am going to make some recommendations, and some comments regarding what I am reading.
You all can agree or disagree, that's your prerogative.
First, for the entertaining, quick, easy to pick up and put down that doesn't take much thought to get into (is there a shorter name or some kind of acronym for those?) book.
It's called Hollowland, by Amanda Hocking. 
This is a book about a zombie apocalypse.  I chose it because, hey, zombies are entertaining! I actually chose this book because it was free, and because the author is self published, and she's written many books already. I believe the Hollowland series is her latest.  It is a YA work of fiction, and anyone to religious for make believe won't enjoy it. (I'm just saying!)
The other books I'm into recently are Seven: an experimental mutiny against excess, by Jen Hatmaker.
Okay, so far I have read the acknowledgments and half of the introduction. I have put the book down because I don't want to get 'messed up'.   This woman speaks her heart, and her heart is on God, and filled with wisdom.

I checked out Jen Hatmaker's facebook page.
You should, too. I like the lady that posts on this page. She says 'crap'. I know that's a stupid thing to be enamored of, but if you grew up in the church, you know that slang is the same as "coarse language" and that we will go straight to hell in a hand basket if we use it.
What I am saying, is that she is a real person, that shares her real self. She is learning, and has a young family, and is in a season of life similar to mine. Sort of. She has kids at home. Six of them. Two of them are adopted.
And, her book is about to kick my butt. Strangely, I'm looking forward to it, and I'm scared out of my mind. I don't really want the responsibility of knowing what is right, because then I *have* to do it.
Since I've just shared with you all that I'm reading it, now I have accountability.

Oh, and because I read the introduction to this book where she mentions that she will explain more of something in another of her books, Interrupted, I put that on my kindle, too.

Seriously, I guess I was looking to get slapped around a little!
I don't believe that I will learn anything in these books that I haven't read in the bible. I don't believe that Jen is revealing new truths that have never been found before. What I do believe I will be getting out of these books (yes, it *is* all about me! It's about what my heart longs for, and how to shift it away from concern for myself), is hearing those truths in a voice that I recognize, in a language that I understand.
Do you need more before you go spend 5 bucks on this book? This book is really about creating margin for God to move-through a fast. If you think fasting is only and all about food, think again. It's about giving up the justification of our selfishness and greed, and taking on the responsibility of loving the world the way God does.

I'd be ecstatic if any one would read these along with me, and would be willing to discuss both the book, and our changes as we allow the holy spirit to make us new.

Who's with me?


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